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CHAS 2009 product usefulness
The 2009 CHAS tables are available and would be very helpful in providing numbers to support housing policy decisions. In addition, the 2009 CHAS tables are a great resource for updating Consolidated Plans. The 2009 CHAS tables are available in very friendly to use Excel files, and I had no trouble putting together numbers on various subgroups. If using to update a consolidated plan, there are new tables that were not offered in the 2000 CHAS. Especially helpful is the table that provides the number of households with potential lead-based paint problems and the table for determining households at risk of homeless.

I have a few warnings. The data are derived from the 2005-2007 ACS, so don't talk about it being 2009 data. Also, be careful in comparing the data to the old 2000 CHAS. First, the data are not directly comparable as the first CHAS was based on decennial Census data. Second, while the 2009 CHAS tables are clearer and more organized than the 2000 CHAS, that could lead to some misinterpretation in drawing comparisons. Finally, the new CHAS doesn't have all the same breakdowns as the 2000 CHAS, so you might not find everything you want. I managed to get some of what I needed by working with two different tables.

Thanks to HUD for going to all the work to provide this updated wonderful data resource!
The U.s. Bureau of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) occasionally appropriates "custom classifications" of information from the U.s. Registration Bureau that are to a great extent not accessible through standard Census items. These information, reputed to be the "CHAS" information (Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy), exhibit the degree of lodging issues and lodging necessities, especially for low wage families. The CHAS information are utilized by nearby governments to arrange how to use HUD subsidizes, and might likewise be utilized by HUD to appropriate stipend reserves.
Thank you for posting in the HUD USER Forums. The HUD USER Forums provide a space for housing and community development researchers, academics, policymakers, and housing practitioners to interact with each other and discuss the material provided on HUD USER.

The Consolidated Planning/Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data may be accessed using the following link:

HUD recently released a simple web-based table generator (also known as a query tool) that provides some of the most commonly used CHAS figures. Users can select a specific jurisdiction of interest (such as a state, county, or city) and receive a few simple tables including information, such as the number of low-income households or the number of households with housing cost burden. Results can be viewed in a web browser or downloaded in spreadsheet form. The table generator is available at This tool is meant to provide information similar to the data in the CHAS query tool in the State of the Cities Data System, which contains CHAS data from 1990 and 2000 (

Elements of the CHAS data are also available through CPD Maps, the online mapping tool from HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (

Lastly, additional HUD USER data sets can be found on our data sets homepage at: A description of each data set is available in the guide to HUD USER data sets, as well as listed in a table rated by each data set’s relevance and usefulness for research in the designated categories, which include housing topics such as housing finance, homelessness, and fair housing (at

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