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Service coordinator grant program
I propose that PD&R support the Service Coordinator Grant Program (see: by answering the following research questions:

1. Is there consensus that the list of previously identified best practices is complete? If not, what should be added? How can they be built into the program, i.e. as ‘replicable practices’?
2. What training/job experience is needed in order to carry out these ‘replicable practices’? Can training/job experience of candidates for service coordinator positions be mandated into the program?
3. What is the optimal methodology to gather evidence that the ‘replicable practices’ are producing the desired results?


Barbara Haley
Thank you for this suggestion. This proposal will be added to the list of projects and research questions to be considered for HUD's future research agenda. You insights in this area are appreciated.
Blair Russell, HUD PD&R

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