Full Version: Inconsistencies with 2022 Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs)?
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I am working with the 2022 QCT dataset and have encountered some inconsistencies between 1.) HUD's list of QCTs, 2.) HUD's locator webmap (, and 3.) the downloadable Geocoded dBase file ( For example, tract # 17031310800 is not on HUD's list of QCTs, nor in the webmap, but does show up in the geocoded dBase file; tract # 17031530600 shows up in geocoded dBase file but not on list.

Has anyone else encountered these or similar issues? Is there a master list or dataset that should be used as main reference?
I confirmed that tract #17031310800, which brings up a location in Cook County, Illinois, is on the webmap, and that that particular tract number does not appear in the Geocoded dBase file ( However, the tract number (3108.00, not the full tract number) does show up in the Geocoded dBase file. The corresponding "qtc_id" is 48201310800. If you search for "3108.00" in the HUD list of the QCT's (, you will get two results, none of which are found in Illinois.
You might try this HUDuser page:
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We have looked into the issue you were encountering. The reason you are unable to find the specific tract in the lists you provided is because the tract is not considered a qualified census tract (QCT). You will notice on the mapping tool, that although the tract appears, it is not colored in, and is therefore not marked as a QCT.

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