Full Version: Doctoral Dissertation Inquiry
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I am proposing to study the federal income limits on the ESG program and its impact on cycles of homelessness in single adults after the implementation of the HEARTH Act.

I have noticed that we are having trouble with repeated homelessness. We are housing individuals and families through our Rapid Rehousing and Prevention Programs but they are not able to remain stably housed after their assistance has ended. Most clients will locate employment once housed which increases their income above 30%AMI but it is not sufficient enough for them to lose their assistance. Since they do not have sufficient income, they later become homeless again and repeat the cycle of homelessness and getting assistance. I want to know if our income thresholds are having a negative effect on housing stability and if so, how can we change it to better meet the needs of our citizens.
I forgot to add. I'm looking for information on how we calculate income and the policy that created the calculation. Who decided that the calculation was the standardized way to measure income?