Important Note - admin
01-21-2020, 07:55 PM
Important Note:
Welcome to the Innovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition Team Finder! This message board is designed to be used by graduate students or faculty to find potential team members for the competition. Team Finder is a peer-to-peer message board that is to be used solely by students to locate team members for the IAH Competition. HUD PD&R; and their contractors are not responsible for facilitating this process.
Please do not post any other questions about the competition on this board. You may email your questions to
Welcome to the Innovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition Team Finder! This message board is designed to be used by graduate students or faculty to find potential team members for the competition. Team Finder is a peer-to-peer message board that is to be used solely by students to locate team members for the IAH Competition. HUD PD&R; and their contractors are not responsible for facilitating this process.
Please do not post any other questions about the competition on this board. You may email your questions to